Rolf Method Massage
At the beginning of your session, Matt will ask what issues you’d like to address in order to understand what outcome you are trying to achieve. He will then utilize Rolf Method massage techniques, plus a variety of different modalities, to provide a custom full-body realignment and soft tissue manipulation to get you back to your active life. It’s best to wear comfortable clothing or athletic wear during your session.
Rolf Method is unique in that it is a system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organizes the whole body in gravity. Rolf Method bodywork affects the body’s posture and structure by manipulating the myofascial system (connective tissue). Often considered a deep-tissue approach, Rolf Method bodywork actually works with all the layers of the body to ease strain patterns in the entire system.
Please reference the complete list of Matt’s service offerings to see what other modalities Matt can use to complement your massage session.