Ki-Hara (Resistance Stretching)


Certified in Ki-Hara stretching, Matt often uses this technique during your session. “Ki” means circulating life energy and “Hara” means the body’s center of gravity/balancing point. Ki-Hara therefore is a technique which utilizes a person’s own resistance for increasing lasting mobility. The process can help reduce injury, balance muscle groups and increase flexibility using concentric exercises for strengthening and eccentric movements for stretching. 

During a Ki-Hara resistance stretching session, the muscles are being contracted and lengthened at the same time so the muscles are only taken as far as they can resist to keep stretching safe and effective. Often Matt will utilize this technique at the end of your massage session which will provide both strength and flexibility and allow your muscles to be more stable and explosive. 

Other Techniques/Services:

Rolfing Massage

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Injury Rehabilitation